Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rec. #24: Cocktail Time

What: P.G. Wodehouse is best known for his stories about Reginald Jeeves and Bertie Wooster*, but the prolific author wrote many non-Jeeves-and-Wooster books as well --- more than 60 of them, in fact. For my money, the Earl of Ickenham (lead character in Cocktail Time) is one of Wodehouse's most delightful creations. A gray-haired Puck, his self-proclaimed mission in life is "spreading sweetness and light." Needless to say, he more often spreads mayhem and misunderstandings.

Representative quote: "Nannie Bruce, a tall, gangling light-heavyweight with a suggestion in her appearance of a private in the Grenadiers dressed up to play the title role in Charley's Aunt, was one of those doggedly faithful retainers who adhere to almost all old families like barnacles to the hulls of ships."

You might not like it if: You hate fun and good times.

How to get it: Overlook Press puts out stunning editions of P.G. Wodehouse books.

Connections to past Wreckage: I previously mentioned Overlook Press in "Rec. #10: Territory." Also, Wodehouse appears in John Clarke's The Tournament (Rec. #12).

* In my mind, by the way, Jeeves and Wooster will always and forever look like this:

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I wondered what I would do when the J&W shows were at an end, well, there were the books and I bought the box set.

    Now what to do about Downton Abbey?
