Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Rec. #481: The Cult of Mary Beard

What: "The Cult of Mary Beard" is a delightful profile from The Guardian about this beloved classical scholar. Think: a celebrity intellectual along the lines of Stephen Fry.

At this point, you may well be asking, "Why don't we have a beloved female classical scholar like the UK does??" I can only suppose that we have to prove we deserve Neil deGrasse Tyson first. 

Representative quote: "The learned but approachable figure you see on TV translating Latin inscriptions, carving up a pizza to explain the division of the Roman empire, or arguing about public services on Question Time, is precisely the Beard you encounter in private, except that in real life, she swears magnificently and often."

How to get it: Read the full, fascinating, envy-inducing article here.

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