Wednesday, July 11, 2012

List #19: Jay Smooth --- An Appreciation

Don't you just love Jay Smooth and his video blog Ill Doctrine? Me too!

Here are three of my recent favorite Ill Doctrine videos (click on the titles to watch):

1. "Don't Freak Out About the White Babies"

Representative quote: "I promise we are not going to turn into gremlins after midnight once we're in the majority, or when we're able to marry whoever we want to marry."

2. "All These Sexist Gamer Dudes Are Some Shook Ones"

Representative quote: "This kind of abuse and harassment matters, and when it happens in our corner of the internet, we need to treat it like it matters."

3. "Mitt Romney Scares the Crap Out of Me"

Representative quote: "If 'meh' was an option in opinion polls, his approval rating would be like 98% 'meh.'"

And don't forget the classic, the one that's been reblogged a bajillion times:

"How to Tell People They Sound Racist"

Representative quote: "When you say, 'I think he's a racist,' that's not a bad move because you might be wrong. That's a bad move because you might be right."

Connection to previous Wreckage: Last fall, I mentioned Jay Smooth as one of my "4 Internet Crushes" (List #10).

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