Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Flashback: Rec. #35: Northern Exposure, season 1

I decided to start doing Friday Flashbacks in case you missed some early posts the first time around. You're busy; I understand.

What: Remember when TV dramedy was in its heyday, Alaska meant quirky misfits, and John Corbett was Aidan Chris Stevens? It is definitely worth it to revisit Cicely, Alaska. The first season is only eight episodes, but it sets up much of what plays out in the rest of the series: Dr. Joel Fleischman reluctantly relocates to rural Alaska, Maggie reveals the curse that befalls her boyfriends, Chris Stevens meets Bernard, Holling and Shelly almost get married, Ed works on his movie script, and Maurice looks for a son to adopt. No one claims to be able to see Russia or to read all the magazines.

Representative quote: "It's the same with white people. They cleared the forest, they dug up the land, and they gave us the flu. But they also brought power tools and penicillin and Ben and Jerry's ice cream."

Also, lots and lots and lots of stuff that Chris Stevens says. Dude talks a ton.

You might not like it if: As someone who's lived exclusively in places with very cold winters, I yell, "Zip up your coat!" at the TV a lot. If you watched this with me, that would probably annoy you.

How to get it: You'll most likely find it in a set with season 2. Enjoy!

[Originally posted 2/3/11.]

[See also: Northern Exposure, season 2, Rec. #161]

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