Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rec. #77: Bitter with Baggage Seeks Same

What: The concept of Bitter with Baggage Seeks Same is pretty awesome. Little plastic chickens are placed in intricate dioramas that are humorously captioned. The execution is awesome-er because creator/author Sloane Tanen is very funny, whether the tableaus involve shopping, airport shuttles, Cinderella, or, erm, what appears to be a lost scene from one of the Saw movies.

Comparable to: OK, yes, this is a novelty book, so, you know, Cake Wrecks, Awkward Family Photos, Regretsy, etc. Except this didn't start as a blog.

Representative quote: "The prince's perverse fantasies were beginning to take their toll on Cinderella. Oh well, back to Barneys." [Don't you want to see the diorama that goes with that caption?]

You might not like it if: You have a chicken phobia.

How to get it: Bitter with Baggage Seeks Same makes a great gift. (For that matter, so do Tanen's follow-up books: Going for the Bronze and Hatched.) Plus, if you buy it for a friend, you can read it for yourself before you wrap it. Also, you can buy prints of Sloane Tanen's work through her website.

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