Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rec. #38: What's Up, Doc?

What: A perpetual student, a musicologist, a government agent, and an aging debutante happen to have identical plaid suitcases and are all staying at the same San Francisco hotel. The farce that ensues leads to many things, including mistaken identity, an electrical fire, a shootout with the mob, and an elaborate car chase sequence involving a Chinese dragon. My favorite scene takes place under a table in a convention hall. Bonus: Early crazy Randy Quaid appearance.

Comparable to: It's a good, old-fashioned screwball comedy, and a very effective one.

Representative quote:
Howard: Good morning.
Mr. Kaltenborn: No, I don't think so. I'm Mr. Kaltenborn, the manager of what's left of the hotel.
Howard: I'm sorry about this whole mess here. Usually this doesn't happen.
Mr. Kaltenborn: Dr. Bannister, I have a message for you from the staff of the hotel.
Howard: What is it?
Mr. Kaltenborn: Goodbye.
Howard: That's the entire message?
Mr. Kaltenborn: We would appreciate it if you would check out.
Howard: When?
Mr. Kaltenborn: Yesterday.
Howard: That soon?

You might not like it if: Sorry. You are legally and morally obligated to like a movie whose opening credits include the words "introducing Madeline Kahn."

How to get it: Buy it, borrow it,  or rent it. Then consider buying a plaid suitcase.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my very favorite movies from the 70s. It's an excellent modern screwball comedy and boasts a terrific cast, all in top form. It's worth watching for Madeline Kahn alone ("Howard!")

    People: Find it and watch it.
