Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Flashback: Rec. #168: Veronica Mars, seasons 1 and 2

I decided to start doing Friday Flashbacks in case you missed some earlier posts the first time around. You're busy; I understand.

What: If you somehow missed the widely-beloved Veronica Mars when it was on the air, and you still haven't caught up, now's the time. Seriously.

Comparable to: A cleverly-written show starring a tough-ass blonde girl who tosses off sarcastic comments while fighting baddies? Within the framework of a larger story mythology that's bracketed on all sides by snappy dialogue? Plus dramatic betrayals and twists, an eclectic assortment of sidekicks, and a surprisingly deep emotional core? Cue the Buffy comparisons.

Representative quote:
"I hear you do detective stuff for people."
"I do favors for friends."
"I can pay."
"Sit down, friend."

You might not like it if: You are annoyed by the stylistic flourishes and mistake them for shallowness.

How to get it: As much as I absolutely adore the first two seasons of Veronica Mars --- which is really quite a lot --- that is how much I loathe the tone-deaf, misogynistic third season. I know this is a pointless plea, but I beg you to pretend the show stopped after two seasons.

Connection to previous Wreckage: If the show's nods to the tropes of classic noir whet your appetite, go full-fledged high school noir with Brick (Rec. #62). If the show left you longing for more high school drama against the backdrop of socioeconomic disparity in California, with bonus teen thugs, you need to watch Some Kind of Wonderful (Rec. #101).

[Originally posted 8/6/11.]

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