Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rec. #140: Cloud Atlas

What: You probably don't need me to add my voice to the general clamor of people telling you to read this book. But I can't help myself.

So, the gimmick here is the structure --- six stories embedded like matryoshka dolls, spanning various places and time periods. Different genres are represented, from mystery to dystopian sci-fi. It's all brilliantly done, and author David Mitchell more than proves he can write any sort of book he wants to, thank you very much. The kicker is that when you read Cloud Atlas again, after the oohs and aahs of the structural trickery have worn off, the brilliance of the writing is not diminished. It remains achingly tragic and funny and suspenseful and sad.

Representative quote: "The sacred is a fine hiding place for the profane."

You might not like it if: You are tired of people gushing over it.

How to get it: The novel is widely available, which is good, because you should read it before the film adaptation comes out. You don't want to be the only one without a scathing remark about what the movie got wrong.

Connection to previous Wreckage: Mitchell's follow-up to Cloud Atlas was Black Swan Green (Rec. #72).

Additional note: I have it on very good authority that David Mitchell is delightful at his readings.


  1. AAAAH! This is the second post this week that I feel is directly related to me. (Even though it doesn't have an explicit message.) Perhaps you decided to post this because we had that conversation in the Strand about how to explain the plot of this book?

  2. In addition, Borders 120 is closing! I am inconsolable. (Not really.) But I am annoyed that I have to go to B&N if I want a book and I'm downtown. Drat you big guys for driving out the little guys and then going under yourselves!

  3. Potato, my friend, why would you think this post is directly related to you? How about because it IS?! (And now there's an extra note to prove it.)

  4. Paroxysms of joy, my friend, *paroxysms!*
