Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Rec. #372: Pop Sonnets on Tumblr

What: So, this is fun. Pop (and rap and disco) songs written as sonnets!

The first one was "Call Me Maybe" and the latest is "Uptown Funk." In between, there's been Beyoncé, Daft Punk, The Beatles, Green Day, Cyndi Lauper, etc.

This very tumblr-y Tumblr has been going for a year, and there's a new one every week. We're due for Sonnet LV tomorrow, and --- like many successful novelty blogs that have come before --- Pop Sonnets is also going to be a book soon.

Representative quote:
"When music stirs the soul with rhythmic joy,
O! Anyone might be thy paramour;
but 'til the right one's found, thou need'st no boy
to frolic free and let thy spirit soar."

--- from ABBA's "Dancing Queen" [did you guess it??]

Bonus representative quote:
"For there uptown, we'll rhythm's mission serve;
if thou dost not believe me, hark! Observe!"

--- from "Uptown Funk"

How to get it: Here's the link --

The site [with an "s"] also exists, and with a similar idea, but it only has nine posts and seems to have been abandoned last fall.

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