. . . in which I attempt to pick out the good bits, one recommendation at a time
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Rec. #252: Random Harvest
What: It seems like a good time for some delicious, chewy 1940s melodrama, right? Random Harvest is here to help, with a shellshocked, amnesiac World War I soldier! Who is put into an asylum. But escapes! Then falls in love and marries someone unsuitable! (A showgirl, natch.) Then regains his memory and identity! But forgets his recent past, including his wife. And then several more ups and downs after that.
Representative melodrama, in quote form: "You are from the asylum, aren't you? Aren't you?"
More representative melodrama, in quote form: "1920. Three years gone. Three years. France - I remember distinctly. But after that - what after that? Liverpool - what am I doing here? Where have I been? Better go home. Yes - may clear things up. Better go home - ."
Yet more representative melodrama, in quote form: "He'd resent me. He'd accept me. He'd pity me... And he'd resent me."
How to get it: Buy it, borrow it, or rent it. There's also the source material, a book with the same title by James Hilton.
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