. . . in which I attempt to pick out the good bits, one recommendation at a time
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Rec. #65: The Miracle of Morgan's Creek
What: The Miracle of Morgan's Creek is a comedy about the consequences of anonymous sex that was hugely successful when it came out in 1944, despite many concerns from the Hays Office. Trudy Kockenlocker is a small-town girl determined to send the boys off to war with a smile and, whoops!, ends up pregnant and unsure who the father is. It's written and directed by Preston Sturges, so of course it's a farce! The film is full of expert pratfalls and snappy dialogue. Plus, look for Diana Lynn in a killer performance as Trudy's savvy younger sister.
Comparable to: Your best beloved screwball comedies.
Representative quote: "It's airtight, it's foolproof, it's almost legal!"
Bonus representative quote: "But he gave his name as Ratzkywatzky!" "He was trying to say Jones. He stuttered!"
You might not like it if: You've just stopped believing that I might know what I'm talking about.
How to get it: Available on DVD from the source of your choosing.
Connection to previous Wreckage: Need more screwball comedy? Luckily, there's Rec. #17: The Palm Beach Story, which is also by Preston Sturges.
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