. . . in which I attempt to pick out the good bits, one recommendation at a time
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Rec. #10: Territory
What: Buzz abounds for the Coen brothers' new adaptation of True Grit.* Why not take this opportunity to revisit another famous Western? With Territory, Emma Bull retells the story of Doc Holliday and the Earp brothers. In doing so, she also introduces a subtle thread of magic into the action. I know combining fantasy with Western/historical fiction sounds iffy, but believe me --- it works. (No horses actually emerge from trees.)
Comparable to: Mercedes Lackey's Elemental Masters series follows similar logic.
Representative quote: "Do you know why one can't take the law into one's own hands? Because the law is too big to fit in one pair of hands. So if you feel you've got a comfortable grip on whatever you're holding, you can be pretty sure it's not the law."
You might not like it if: Sorry, folks. No Jeff Bridges here. (Or John Wayne. Or Kirk Douglas or Burt Lancaster or Kurt Russell or Val Kilmer, for that matter.)
How to get it: It's downloadable, buyable, and borrowable.
*NB: Overlook Press, I love you --- I even wrote a paper on you in grad school! --- but please, please stop retweeting every mention of the original True Grit novel by Charles Portis.
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